[53] Combining inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches to increase the resilience of urban forests - lessons learned from the GreenLung (GrüneLunge) project in Karlsruhe, Germany. At the Marsh Hall, Hixon Centre of Urban Ecology, Forest School, Yale School of Environment, Yale University (2022), New Haven, CT, USA, 5. December 2022 (
[52] Cluster planting as a lower cost alternative. On 5th June, 2017, In International Conference on Forest Restoration Under Global Change - A Contribution to the Implementation of the Bonn Challenge “Synthesising and sharing globally available forest-related scientific knowledge” 05.06.2017 to 09.05.2017, International Institute of Tropical Forestry (USDA Forest Service), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
[51] Establishing quality oak stands – practical lessons learned from European trials. On 30th March, 2015, Forest Research, UK Forestry Commission, Roslin, Edinburgh, UK. (This lecture was live streamed and reported in Scottish media through a leading monthly forestry magazine of UK, Forestry Journal, Issue 5, 2015, by the journalist Ms. Hilary Burke)
[50] The role of adaptive silviculture under climate change. On 22nd December 2014 in the Department of Botany, Northeastern Hill University, Shillong, India.
[49] Challenges in oak regeneration. On 22nd December 2014 in the Department of Botany, Northeastern Hill University, Shillong, India.
[48] Managing forests in India under changing climate: the importance of ecological complexity and role of adaptive silviculture. 10th December 2014, Tropical Ecology Congress, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
[47] Practical lessons learned from oak cluster planting trials in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On 2nd October 2014, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA.
[46] Regenerating oak forests by cluster planting. On 15th April 2014 in the Forestry Department, Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), India.
[45] Why is adaptive silviculture needed in changing climate? On 14th April 2014 in the Forestry Department, Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), India.
[44] Scope for Meta-analysis in synthesizing data in forestry. On 16th April 2013 in the Research Method Seminar Series of Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg, Germany.
[43] Assessment of growth and quality of young oaks grown in cluster plantings: a weighted meta-analysis on raw inventory data from forestry experimental trials in Central Europe. On 19th January 2013 in the Winter Colloquium of Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Zürich, Switzerland.
Oral presentations
* = presenting author
[42] Saha*, S., Sardemann, G.; Fricke, A., Meyer-Soylu, S., Waitz, C., Stähler, B., Kienzler, U., Reuter, M., Albrecht, A., Kopfmüller, J., Parodi, O., Rösch, C., Matzarakis, A. Caring our „Green Lungs“: Nurturing and protecting Urban Trees and Forests under the Threats of Climate Change, Urbanization and Pollution. Sixth International Conference on Plant and Environmental Pollution, 27.09.2018 – 30.09.2018, Lucknow, India.
[41] Singh, PP, Dermann, A., Dermann, F., Adhikari, D., Chakraborty, T, Gurung, PB., Barik, SK., Bauhus, J. Saha*, S. Assessing restoration potential of fragmented Fagaceae forests in Meghalaya, North-east India. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[40] Saha*, S., Almeida, I., Rösch. C. Higher public support for mixed forests over monospecific forests in Germany. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[39] Saha*, S. Lessons learned from oak cluster planting trials in central Europe and scope for cluster planting in restoration of degraded forests and conversion of monospecific forests. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[38] Saha*, S., Rösch. C. Higher diversity and productivity in silver fir – beech mixed forests over monospecific forests in Germany. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[37] Fonseca*, T., Dey, DC. Saha, S., Löf, M. Cork Oak: Sustainable forests and eco-friendly products. Eco Forum Global Annual Conference, Guiyang, New Orientation and New Mission of Forestry in the New Era, 06.07.2018, Guiyang, China
[36] Saha*, S., Almeida, I., Rösch. C. Comparison of ecosystem services from mixed against monospecific forests in the southwest Germany: a survey on public perception. 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[35] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A., Biomass, annual growth, c and o isotope signatures in tree rings revealed high ecological plasticity in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees under multiple drought events. 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[34] Saha*, S., Rösch, C., Sardemann, G.; Kopfmüller, J., Parodi, O., Meyer-Soylu, S., Waitz, C., Stähler, B., Kienzler, U., Reuter, M., Albrecht, A, Matzarakis, A. Inter- und transdisziplinäre Entwicklung von Strategien zur Erhöhung der Resilienz von Bäumen in wachsenden Städten und urbanen Regionen. Vernetzungskonferenz Zukunftsstadt, Forschung für Nachhaltige Entwicklungen (FONA), Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung 13.12.2017 – 14.12.2017, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
[33] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017) Role of multiple stressors on crown dieback & growth sensitivity of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees under recurrent droughts. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[32] Cheng*, Z., Saha, S. (2017) Ecology and silviculture of four important oak tree species in East and South Asia: A review. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[31] Saha*, S. (2016) Final results of oak cluster planting experiments and scope for oak forest restoration in Asia. In IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania, 24.10.2016 – 27.10. 2016, Beijing, China.
[30] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2016) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in Germany. In German Forestry Conference (FoWiTa), 26.09.2016 to 29.09.2016, Freiburg, Germany.
[29] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2016) Stress ecology of beech trees in dry forests: role of multiple stressors on crown dieback and growth sensitivity under recurrent droughts. In 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 05.09.2016 to 09.09.2016, Marburg, Germany.
[28] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in Germany. In Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society, 13.12.2015 to 16.12.2015, Edinburgh, UK.
[27] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in south-western Germany. In German Silvicultural Conference, 14.09.2015 to 15.09.2015, Eberswalde, Germany.
[26] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in south-western Germany. In 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 31.08.2015 to 04.09.2015, Göttingen, Germany.
[25] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Kohnle, U., Bauhus, J. (2014) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting increases tree species richness, stand productivity and fosters oak growth and quality. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[24] Sohn, S., Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2014) Potential of thinning to mitigate drought stress in trees – a meta-analysis. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[23] Dai*, C., Saha, S., Gärtner, S., Huss, J., Reif, A. (2014) Stand structure and vegetation of the deciduous mixed oak forests in the montane zone of the Western Qinling Mountains, China. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[22] Saha, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus*, J. (2013) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting: a low-density forest regeneration technique to establish mixed oak stand. In 3rd FAO International Congress on Planted Forests, 16.05.2013 to 21.05.2013, Dublin, Ireland.
[21] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting: a regeneration technique to establish mixed oak stand and increase ecosystem functions. In IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference, Sustaining Human and Forest in Changing Landscape: Forest, Society and Global Change, 05.11.2012 to 12.11.2012, Concepción, Chile.
[20] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Oak cluster planting promotes tree growth and quality, increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity. In German Forestry Congress: “Forest-Climate-Energy” (Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung, „Wald-Umwelt-Energie“), in Weihenstephan from 19.09.2012 to 22.09.2012, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany.
[19] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Suitability of cluster planting for mixed oak stand development. In German Silvicultural Conference (Sektion Waldbau, Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Themenschwerpunkt: “Eichenwälder - Potenziale, Ansprüche und waldbauliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten”), 17.04.2012, Wermsdorf, Germany.
[18] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2011) Oak cluster planting increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity. In 41st Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 05.09.2011 to 09.09.2011, Oldenburg, Germany
[17] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J., Kohnle, U., Kühne, C. (2010) Can oak bio-groups produce high-quality trees? In Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment, XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23.08.2010 to 28.08.2010, The International Forestry Review, Commonwealth Forestry Association, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Poster presentations
[16] Saha*, S., Datta, P., Rösch, C., Silver fir – European beech mixed forests have higher productivity than pure forests of beech in south Germany 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[15] Saha*, S. (2017) Group planting fosters better growth and superior tree quality compared to conventional row planting: The first study on wild cherry trees (Prunus avium L.). In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[14] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2017) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives in Germany. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[13] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017) Young European beech plants had differently tuned root and shoot growth between dry and less-dry forest plots in summer drought of 2003 and 2011: a study on limestone outcrop in Northern Switzerland. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[12] Chunling, D*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2017) Stand structure, vegetation, and regeneration of the semi-natural deciduous mixed oak forests in the western Quinling Mountains, China. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[11] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2015) High variability in vitality and growth was observed in European beech trees under the changing soil available water as drought become more frequent and severe. In Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society, 13.12.2015 to 16.12.2015, Edinburgh, UK.
[10] Saha*, S., Skiadaresis, G. (2015) Structural diversity alters species diversity-productivity relationship in mixed and single species dominated forests. In 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 31.08.2015 to 04.09.2015, Göttingen, Germany.
[9] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2014) Practical Lessons Learned from Oak Cluster Planting Trial in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In Society of American Foresters National Convention 2014, 08.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[8] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2014) Growth and stem quality of oak trees established in cluster plantings respond differently to intra- and interspecific neighbourhood competition. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[7] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2014) Ecological complexity, stand basal area and rooting intensity respond differently under edaphic drought in ecotones at abandoned coppice forests. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[6] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2014) European beech trees have developed an adaptive strategy of survival through crown die-back under the stress of drought and plant competition. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[5] Saha*, S., Chakraborty, T. (2014) Traditional knowledge is trivial for managing mountain natural resources: a case study from the Eastern Himalaya. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[4] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S. (2014) Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on high-value NTFPs in the temperate moist oak forest: a case study from the Eastern Himalayas, India. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[3] Saha*, S., Chakraborty, T. (2014) Use of medicinal plants among Panchen-Monpa tribe in a remote region in the Eastern Himalayas, India. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress,” 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[2] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus J. (2012) Influence of intraspecific and interspecific competition on tree growth and quality in young oak clusters. In German Forestry Congress: “Forest-Climate-Energy” (Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung, „Wald-Umwelt-Energie“), in Weihenstephan from 19.09.2012 to 22.09.2012, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany.
[1] Saha*, S. and Bauhus, J. (2011) Oak cluster planting increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity compared to traditional row planting. In the Annual Graduate School Day of the Graduate School ‘Environment Society and Global Change’, Albert-Ludwigs Universität-Freiburg, 08.06.2011, Freiburg i. Br., Germany (Won best poster prize).
* = presenting author
[42] Saha*, S., Sardemann, G.; Fricke, A., Meyer-Soylu, S., Waitz, C., Stähler, B., Kienzler, U., Reuter, M., Albrecht, A., Kopfmüller, J., Parodi, O., Rösch, C., Matzarakis, A. Caring our „Green Lungs“: Nurturing and protecting Urban Trees and Forests under the Threats of Climate Change, Urbanization and Pollution. Sixth International Conference on Plant and Environmental Pollution, 27.09.2018 – 30.09.2018, Lucknow, India.
[41] Singh, PP, Dermann, A., Dermann, F., Adhikari, D., Chakraborty, T, Gurung, PB., Barik, SK., Bauhus, J. Saha*, S. Assessing restoration potential of fragmented Fagaceae forests in Meghalaya, North-east India. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[40] Saha*, S., Almeida, I., Rösch. C. Higher public support for mixed forests over monospecific forests in Germany. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[39] Saha*, S. Lessons learned from oak cluster planting trials in central Europe and scope for cluster planting in restoration of degraded forests and conversion of monospecific forests. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[38] Saha*, S., Rösch. C. Higher diversity and productivity in silver fir – beech mixed forests over monospecific forests in Germany. 4th International Congress on Planted Forests: Planted Forests – A solution for Green Development, Beijing, China, 23.11.2018 to 27.11.2018
[37] Fonseca*, T., Dey, DC. Saha, S., Löf, M. Cork Oak: Sustainable forests and eco-friendly products. Eco Forum Global Annual Conference, Guiyang, New Orientation and New Mission of Forestry in the New Era, 06.07.2018, Guiyang, China
[36] Saha*, S., Almeida, I., Rösch. C. Comparison of ecosystem services from mixed against monospecific forests in the southwest Germany: a survey on public perception. 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[35] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A., Biomass, annual growth, c and o isotope signatures in tree rings revealed high ecological plasticity in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees under multiple drought events. 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[34] Saha*, S., Rösch, C., Sardemann, G.; Kopfmüller, J., Parodi, O., Meyer-Soylu, S., Waitz, C., Stähler, B., Kienzler, U., Reuter, M., Albrecht, A, Matzarakis, A. Inter- und transdisziplinäre Entwicklung von Strategien zur Erhöhung der Resilienz von Bäumen in wachsenden Städten und urbanen Regionen. Vernetzungskonferenz Zukunftsstadt, Forschung für Nachhaltige Entwicklungen (FONA), Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung 13.12.2017 – 14.12.2017, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
[33] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017) Role of multiple stressors on crown dieback & growth sensitivity of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees under recurrent droughts. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[32] Cheng*, Z., Saha, S. (2017) Ecology and silviculture of four important oak tree species in East and South Asia: A review. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[31] Saha*, S. (2016) Final results of oak cluster planting experiments and scope for oak forest restoration in Asia. In IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania, 24.10.2016 – 27.10. 2016, Beijing, China.
[30] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2016) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in Germany. In German Forestry Conference (FoWiTa), 26.09.2016 to 29.09.2016, Freiburg, Germany.
[29] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2016) Stress ecology of beech trees in dry forests: role of multiple stressors on crown dieback and growth sensitivity under recurrent droughts. In 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 05.09.2016 to 09.09.2016, Marburg, Germany.
[28] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in Germany. In Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society, 13.12.2015 to 16.12.2015, Edinburgh, UK.
[27] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in south-western Germany. In German Silvicultural Conference, 14.09.2015 to 15.09.2015, Eberswalde, Germany.
[26] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2015) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in south-western Germany. In 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 31.08.2015 to 04.09.2015, Göttingen, Germany.
[25] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Kohnle, U., Bauhus, J. (2014) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting increases tree species richness, stand productivity and fosters oak growth and quality. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[24] Sohn, S., Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2014) Potential of thinning to mitigate drought stress in trees – a meta-analysis. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[23] Dai*, C., Saha, S., Gärtner, S., Huss, J., Reif, A. (2014) Stand structure and vegetation of the deciduous mixed oak forests in the montane zone of the Western Qinling Mountains, China. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[22] Saha, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus*, J. (2013) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting: a low-density forest regeneration technique to establish mixed oak stand. In 3rd FAO International Congress on Planted Forests, 16.05.2013 to 21.05.2013, Dublin, Ireland.
[21] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) cluster planting: a regeneration technique to establish mixed oak stand and increase ecosystem functions. In IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference, Sustaining Human and Forest in Changing Landscape: Forest, Society and Global Change, 05.11.2012 to 12.11.2012, Concepción, Chile.
[20] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Oak cluster planting promotes tree growth and quality, increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity. In German Forestry Congress: “Forest-Climate-Energy” (Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung, „Wald-Umwelt-Energie“), in Weihenstephan from 19.09.2012 to 22.09.2012, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany.
[19] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2012) Suitability of cluster planting for mixed oak stand development. In German Silvicultural Conference (Sektion Waldbau, Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Themenschwerpunkt: “Eichenwälder - Potenziale, Ansprüche und waldbauliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten”), 17.04.2012, Wermsdorf, Germany.
[18] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2011) Oak cluster planting increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity. In 41st Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 05.09.2011 to 09.09.2011, Oldenburg, Germany
[17] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J., Kohnle, U., Kühne, C. (2010) Can oak bio-groups produce high-quality trees? In Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment, XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23.08.2010 to 28.08.2010, The International Forestry Review, Commonwealth Forestry Association, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Poster presentations
[16] Saha*, S., Datta, P., Rösch, C., Silver fir – European beech mixed forests have higher productivity than pure forests of beech in south Germany 11th IUFRO International Beech Symposium, 18.09.2018 – 21.09.2018 September, Viterbo, Italy
[15] Saha*, S. (2017) Group planting fosters better growth and superior tree quality compared to conventional row planting: The first study on wild cherry trees (Prunus avium L.). In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[14] Saha*, S., Bauhus, J. (2017) Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives in Germany. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[13] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017) Young European beech plants had differently tuned root and shoot growth between dry and less-dry forest plots in summer drought of 2003 and 2011: a study on limestone outcrop in Northern Switzerland. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[12] Chunling, D*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2017) Stand structure, vegetation, and regeneration of the semi-natural deciduous mixed oak forests in the western Quinling Mountains, China. In IUFRO 125 Years Anniversary Congress, 18.09.2017 to 22.09.2017, Freiburg, Germany.
[11] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2015) High variability in vitality and growth was observed in European beech trees under the changing soil available water as drought become more frequent and severe. In Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society, 13.12.2015 to 16.12.2015, Edinburgh, UK.
[10] Saha*, S., Skiadaresis, G. (2015) Structural diversity alters species diversity-productivity relationship in mixed and single species dominated forests. In 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (GFÖ), 31.08.2015 to 04.09.2015, Göttingen, Germany.
[9] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2014) Practical Lessons Learned from Oak Cluster Planting Trial in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. In Society of American Foresters National Convention 2014, 08.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[8] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2014) Growth and stem quality of oak trees established in cluster plantings respond differently to intra- and interspecific neighbourhood competition. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[7] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2014) Ecological complexity, stand basal area and rooting intensity respond differently under edaphic drought in ecotones at abandoned coppice forests. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[6] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S., Reif, A. (2014) European beech trees have developed an adaptive strategy of survival through crown die-back under the stress of drought and plant competition. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[5] Saha*, S., Chakraborty, T. (2014) Traditional knowledge is trivial for managing mountain natural resources: a case study from the Eastern Himalaya. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[4] Chakraborty*, T., Saha, S. (2014) Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on high-value NTFPs in the temperate moist oak forest: a case study from the Eastern Himalayas, India. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[3] Saha*, S., Chakraborty, T. (2014) Use of medicinal plants among Panchen-Monpa tribe in a remote region in the Eastern Himalayas, India. In Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role Of Research,” XXIV IUFRO World Congress,” 05.10.2014 to 11.10.2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
[2] Saha*, S., Kühne, C., Bauhus J. (2012) Influence of intraspecific and interspecific competition on tree growth and quality in young oak clusters. In German Forestry Congress: “Forest-Climate-Energy” (Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung, „Wald-Umwelt-Energie“), in Weihenstephan from 19.09.2012 to 22.09.2012, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany.
[1] Saha*, S. and Bauhus, J. (2011) Oak cluster planting increases tree species diversity and enhances productivity compared to traditional row planting. In the Annual Graduate School Day of the Graduate School ‘Environment Society and Global Change’, Albert-Ludwigs Universität-Freiburg, 08.06.2011, Freiburg i. Br., Germany (Won best poster prize).